sábado, 5 de octubre de 2013

10 vegetables names in spanish language you have to know

There are a lot of vegetables in the world, many of them are to prepare foods and general cooking. We invite you to check out these 10 vegetables names written in spanish. 

1. Pepino (Cucumber)

Annual herbaceous plant of the family Cucurbitaceae, with soft stems, creeping, hairy and two to three meters in length, petiolate, hairy, split into acute lobes, yellow flowers, separated the male from female, and pulpy fruit , cylindrical, six to twelve inches in length and two to five thick, yellow when ripe, and before more or less clear green on the outside, white inside with lots of seeds oval, pointed at one end, flat and small. It is edible.

2. Perejil (Parsley)

Perennial herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family, which grows up to seven decimeters high, with angular stems and branched, petiolate leaves, glossy, dark green, serrated split into three segments, white or greenish flowers and seeds petite, brownish , ovate and thin veins. Spontaneous in some parts, is widely grown in gardens, as a condiment used.

3. Lechuga (Lettuce)

Herbaceous plant of the family of compounds with branched stalk four to six decimeters high, large leaves, radical, soft, nervous, trasovadas, entire or serrated, flowers in many heads and yellow petals and dry fruit, gray, compressed, with a single seed. It is native to India, it is cultivated in gardens, and there are many varieties of it. The leaves are edible, and the stem may be extracted abundant palatable latex.

4. Repollo (Cabbage)

Cabbage species, has firm leaves, and embraced so tightly compressed that form among all, before adding the stem, by way of a head.

5. Coliflor (Cauliflower)

Variety sprout cabbage that you take a pellet composed of various heads or white lumps.

6. Cebolla (Onion)

Plant Lawn, of the Liliaceae family, with stem six to eight decimeters high, hollow, fusiform and swollen at the base, fistulous leaves and cylindrical, greenish-white flowers in umbel round, and fibrous root originates from a spheroidal bulb, white or reddish, layer formed tender and juicy, with a strong odor and taste more or less spicy.

7. Berenjena (Aubergine)

Annual plant family Solanaceae, four to six decimetres high , with large leaves, ovate, green, nearly covered with white dust and full of thorns, flowers large, purple, and fruit ovate , ten to twelve inches long, covered with a film full of purple and white flesh inside which are the seeds.

8. Brócoli (Broccoli)

Variety of common cabbage whose leaves dark green are more cut than this and no huddle.

9. Ajo (Garlic)

Plant family of Liliaceae, 30 to 40 cm high, with very narrow leaves and scape ensiformes with small white flowers. The bulb is also white, round and strong odor and is widely used as a condiment.

10. Acelga (Chard)

Lawn plant of the Chenopodiaceae family, leaves large, wide, smooth and juicy and whose petiole is thick and ribbed on the inside. It is edible.

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