domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013

! Hihola ! the videogame to learn spanish

The University of Salamanca ( University of Salamanca ) has introduced a new game , similar to the ' Sims ' or ' Second Life ' , which will serve students use to learn or improve their spanish language skills.

This initiative, created by Enne Entertainment and called ' HiHola ! ' , will be used by the University for teaching foreign language in those who come to their classrooms , but also try to marketed primarily in markets such as Brazil or the United States , explained the Vice President for Innovation of the University of Salamanca , Pastora Vega.

The Innovation Project Director , Oscar Gonzalo Gil , has made a demo of this game , where students have to take an "avatar " and virtually live in the city of Salamanca.

On it, they can walk through spaces as the Plaza Mayor, the Court of Schools , the Monterrey Palace or other representative sites of the city, but also have the opportunity of entering inside the Historic Building of the University , shopping , partying at nightclubs or coffee with friends.

This creation allows the interconnection of different students and even the teacher, who can see how they do their students in different conversations or they can put virtual work ' HiHola ! ' .

Likewise, within the space of tasks, users can also improve your pronunciation with specific evidence for this, as they have at their disposal the ability to record their statements or listening right conversations . They can also access a playground to enhance their knowledge of spanish culture.

this game has been featured on the Rector of the University of Salamanca by the Vice President for Innovation , Pastora Vega , the director of Innovation and Production Services Digital, Fernando Almaraz , the director of International Courses , Maribel Toro , and the Innovation Project Director , Oscar Gonzalo Gil .

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