lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Manual Launches to speak good Spanish language

The Royal Spanish Academy launches clarification on the proper use of language, cyclopean work involving particular speech to be attentive to all the countries of the region.

The concerns may be even as anecdotal , but lives show the evolution of language, which often mutates by numerous stimuli. Assuming this vitality and escfrita spoken speech , the Cervantes Acdademia just launched in Spain the manual 's 500 most frequent doubts Spanish , published by Oxford University Press , to solve pressing issues on pronunciation , spelling , grammar or vocabulary.

The collection comes after the success of The Book of the Spanish right , a hit with 15,000 copies sold. For Victor Garcia de la Concha , director of the Cervantes Institute and before the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) , doubts about the speech are daily bread , he said at the launch of the book, this morning : " To doubt is to start hitting " .

Some of the questions that come in the manual, are already on the anglicisms colloquial use ( Can you write mp3 ? ) Adaptations not frowned upon , but they can offer more of a surprise : Is it OK that Add Up? " Yes , but it is a redundant expression . These expressions : climb up , get down, get in, go out , are admissible in oral and colloquial use of language, which are generally used with the expressive and emphatic , but we must avoid in written texts "

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