lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Why learn languages ​​improves health?

Probably those who decide to venture to the task of learning a new language they do to improve their job skills , learn about other cultures or cope when traveling . But much more than that : knowing a second language can greatly improve the health of people .

Given that the brain is an organ that must be exercised constantly to keep agility, a recent study published in the journal Neurology claims that bilingual people are less likely to suffer early neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's.

The study, conducted by professionals from the University of Edinburgh and the Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences in India , is based on analysis of 648 patients with this condition. The team found that those who knew two or more languages ​​had developed demencia4 , five years later than those only spoke one.

According to their findings , knowing more than one language enhances the development of the brain areas that are responsible for the executive functions and attention tasks . An interesting fact is that some of the patients involved in this study were illiterate , so it follows that languages ​​are not the level of education that focuses on prevention of this disease : switching between sounds, words and grammar structures stimulating factors would be more effective than currently available drugs .

Research suggests that bilingual people tend to be more creative and intelligent

It is not the first time that an investigation reveals that speaking more than one language keeps the brain fit and strengthens mental function : it is shown that this activity alters gray matter in the same way that exercise strengthens muscles. In 2011 professionals at York University in Toronto , Canada , and in early 2013 of the Medical University of Kentucky , United States , confirmed that regularly speak a second language delays the onset of dementia and improve brain performance .

In addition to preventing these diseases, benefits of learning other languages ​​are:
Improving intelligence : A multidisciplinary team of European professionals in 2012 revealed that after learning foreign languages ​​can increase brain plasticity and cognitive skills . Similarly, a study from the University of York showed that students who learn other languages ​​tend to perform better than monolinguals on tests of math, reading and vocabulary.

Stimulates concentration : The development of new neural pathways and tissues because of this activity leads to improved attention span of people. According to Canadian psychologist Ellen Bialystok , bilinguals have greater control nonverbal executive tasks than monolinguals , such as limiting their levels of distraction.

Learning new languages ​​can help avoid distraction and forgetfulness

Facilitates problem solving : The strategies developed to learn grammar , vocabulary and other language structures to the brain become more apt to solve other problems . According to research from Pennsylvania State University published in 2011 , who know more than one language are used to switch from one language to another , which helps to effectively solve several issues at once.

Optimizes memory of children : Psychologists of Spain and Canada showed earlier this year that bilingual children have better performance in memory-related tasks , such as remembering lists, dates and names.

It helps to take decisions : A 2012 study showed the link between knowing a second language and make rational decisions. Made on students at the University of Chicago , the analysis made ​​it clear that when people define situations bilingual in a language other than their mother tongue make more rational , fast and effective because there is a more logical and less emotional .

Power creativity : Association of sentences and meanings in a second language requires a conscious thought , where planning comes into play , flexibility and memory, three critical components for the development of creativity.

Improves language : learn abstract rules and structure of the language to a second language can help improve communication skills of people. The conscious use of language and writing fosters a more clear and correct speech .

While children learn languages ​​since is most effective , it is still possible to develop this potential into adulthood : begin studying a foreign language can be a good choice at any time of life.

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